- bojne.com/moonPhase - 1/3/2025 0:29:34
- Preserve your judgement - the insights are rare - have a taste in yourself in what's good / bad is important - 1/2/2025 10:01:03
- “A Japanese garden is not only a place for the cultivation of trees and flowering shrubs, but one that provides secluded leisure, rest, repose, meditation, and sentimental pleasure - The Garden speaks to all the senses, not just to the mind alone." - @ Portland Japanese Garden - 12/2/2024 7:42:49
- A webpage that curated interactive learning resources - 12/2/2024 5:10:21
- "My answer is that if you tolerate too much half-heartedness, it’s probably because you’re half-hearted. As in: anxious and ambivalent, looking for reassurance. As in: bored, along for the ride, not really sure about your own feelings and opinions. As in: external locus of control vs internal locus of control. You probably don’t have anything in your life that really tethers you to yourself—you don’t have conviction about what you love, so you’re hoping that someone else will provide you that certainty." - 11/29/2024 1:51:16
- "A revolutionary new kind of camera was recently invented. Instead of turning light into pictures, it turns ideas into pictures." - 11/29/2024 0:19:59
- Vercel v0 and Cursor democratize the app making. Wonder what is the secodn wave effect with more apps being created? - 11/29/2024 0:18:56
- Idea about desktop pictures - for me visual image is so inspiring to see things. I’m going go print out some in my room, and download some on my laptop for the inspiring cities / places / moments - 11/28/2024 12:55:58
- Sailing as a couple from the movie Flo - it’s romantic and present, it’s probably a high level of life experience, perhaps similar go hiking couple but a bit nicer. Sailing is more under appreciated in the culture I grew up. - 11/28/2024 12:55:55
- “Patrick, you should learn to cook. Don’t learn to cook because you want to eat food - learn to cook because if you learn to cook you will have an excuse for the rest of your life to bring people over to your house. No one who knows how to cook will ever lack for friends.” - 11/28/2024 0:52:10
- “And that’s the biggest mistake I think young people make: They’re afraid to look dumb, so they follow safe paths that cap their downside, not realizing that they also cap their upside.”
Take Asymmetric Bets https://open.substack.com/pub/eriktorenberg/p/take-asymmetric-bets?r=sevou&utm_medium=ios via Instapaper - 11/23/2024 1:00:06
- "where is the sun" bring the sunflight of the globe to a web - 11/20/2024 14:44:02
- Checking out Vision Pro at Apple Store - 11/17/2024 9:24:21
- Spotify-to-notion with key takeaways - 10/15/2024 13:57:19
- Cloud gif on personal website ☁️ - 9/30/2024 11:36:53
- “跑步的時候頭腦裡所浮現的思緒,類似天空的雲。各種形狀、各種大小的雲。飄過來,又飄過去。不過天空還是天空。雲只不過是過客而已。那都是會通過然後消失的東西。而且只有天空留下。所謂天空,是既存在同時也不存在的東西;既是實體同時也不是實體的東西。那樣模糊的容器的存在模樣,我們唯有照樣接受,只能完全接收。” - 村上春樹 - 9/30/2024 5:46:20
- “這世界上有各種各樣的人,恰巧我們成為了朋友,這不是緣分,是因為我們本就應該是朋友。” - 9/30/2024 2:14:39
- Who you are is not how you look at yourself. No how others look at you. It’s how you look at other people - that shows your values and projections. - 9/28/2024 12:02:05
- Saw this poster today: I’m are and I’m not for sale - 9/28/2024 0:45:34
- 可能有人會說,我是因為現在經濟上有了保障,才能這樣直接放棄光鮮的一切。但回想起來,我人生里真正開心的時候,從來都沒有什麼錢。 - nick - 9/27/2024 5:08:01
- testing? - 9/24/2024 14:29:53
- testing! - 9/24/2024 14:24:12
- Product I discovered today: Overlap (podcast app), Basecase VC, @earth by Andy, Lenny’s podcast with Nikita, python linter with rust, TK got acquired and back to ramp - 9/24/2024 13:49:21
- To get there eventually, you can work on middle stones and just enjoy owning the work - 9/23/2024 6:25:31
- Make a YC-company in one line list - or YC family graph based on topics - 9/23/2024 9:33:47
- What makes me you want to stay in SF? - Mon Sep 23 2024 06:22:19 GMT+0800 (Hong Kong Standard Time)
- Things that brings me joy recently: TDCC 🥁, Documentrary with Vivi's bf, moving to new house - 9/23/2024 6:16:19
- Apps I learned while meeting Wei-wei in the cafe: Verse, 小宇宙 - 9/23/2024 6:09:40
- “Your career is not a ladder, it's a game. Those who treat it like ladder will make linear progress at best and let their fear hold them back. Those who treat it like a game will collect the resources, find the people, and build the skills that compound — and have fun doing it!”- Kevin Yien - 9/19/2024 16:51:13
- You can not be kind/trust/love others if you don’t have it in yourself - 4/13/2024 12:09:08
- Feeling grateful today after surfing!! 🏄♂️ - 3/31/2024 8:39:44
- At the same time, one of my favorite quotes from Richard Feynman is, “You are under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously.” - 3/22/2024 15:22:00
- Memory device and context of personal history - 10/31/2023 14:21:35
- Hackathon: first world or thrid world problem? - 9/23/2023 7:45:57
- At nyc - talents, structure of trips, do journal and note down my inspirations - 9/5/2023 14:28:46
- The power of working with your friends on passion project can is so underratted - 8/7/2023 6:02:17
- "It's easy to be a great software developer. You want to build something out quick. - 8/7/2023 6:01:51
- "You don't need to meet cooler people, you already have the best information to take actions" - 8/7/2023 6:01:26
- Qutos from reading Warp blog:
"I'd rather have strongly held opinions carry the day over compromise solutions that lead to compromised products."
"We want people who are truly committed to making the company successful, who see it as more than a job."
→ do I was to see click-to-message ads being successful? - 6/20/2023 11:35:36
- Beautiful Confusion don't go on Instagram -
n high school I would be typing out my feelings out in a Instagram post, but then decided to delete the draft because I thought it would not be well-preceived by the audience there. My friends do the same too. I hope we had captured those beautiful confusions in better medium (such as personal note, but share with people). - 6/15/2023 14:52:56
- Come back to berlin with emotional feeling, enjoy this city! - 4/4/2023 23:52:57
- Having such a great time in STO! - 4/3/2023 19:23:52
- Next time when I go back to SFO along, I should consider car pooling with a stranger - 2/13/2023 17:08:18
- Living website that is always different when you visit - 12/29/2022 15:59:04
- The vow - 12/29/2022 15:59:02
- Love actually - 12/29/2022 15:59:00
- 不用看著別人活, 不用活給別人看 - 12/4/2022 15:45:00
- It’s beautiful to state “…. For the dreamers” - let it be tool, space for community - 11/25/2022 18:50:00
- One of my closest friends says his love language is deep attention. - 11/25/2022 18:47:31
- "We get interested in things, for reasons that often we can't articulate. In fact, it's the fact that we can't articulate them that we get interested in...”" - 11/3/2022 12:38:29
- The converse is true, too. If every time you write a blog post it takes you six months, and you’re sitting around your apartment on a Sunday afternoon thinking of stuff to do, you’re probably not going to think of starting a blog post, because it’ll feel too expensive. - 11/1/2022 10:03:39
- I want to see the fall color in here - 10/26/2022 7:42:26
- 3D object mapping is really cool! collage in 3D - 10/26/2022 7:42:14
- Cursor sink chrome extension - 10/16/2022 2:44:50
- "偶爾還是來紀錄些生活吧 :)" - 10/11/2022 12:07:05
- It's a new week! 🙂 - 10/11/2022 1:51:45
- some web cam experiment with primary colors (RGB) - inspiration at FJK's concerty - 10/10/2022 3:31:35
- "How old is this webstie -> viz in emojis" - 10/10/2022 3:23:21
- CSS is nerdy but underrated. I would love to invest more in learning what's possible with CSS - 10/10/2022 2:48:17
- Grateful version of microblog, with notification enabled. Also, what is the minimal abstraction level I can potentially create here? - 9/28/2022 12:48:08
- Once I start to list things down, I figured out how much things I'm interested in vs how much time do I have. - 9/28/2022 12:43:35
- "A friend asked me once, who do you idolize and why? I told them I have no idols I would like to be, but there are specific traits I admire from people. Namely: elegance, gentleness, drive, focus, unselfconsciousness, charisma. But most of all: internal confidence." - 9/13/2022 12:17:40
- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. - 9/12/2022 1:59:39
- Three body problem - 9/5/2022 6:17:05
- What do I entail by “working on myself”? - 9/4/2022 6:39:33
- With Lilian: Learning system, chrome browser; design social for the journal app; see the good part; community app vs lonely app; - 9/4/2022 1:03:47
- A weekly toggle journal on telegram - 9/1/2022 0:18:00
- The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing - 7/12/2022 6:12:15
- 石頭一直是野口勇所鐘愛的材料。硬脾氣、粗獷無文、表裡不一,幾乎處處與藝術家作對。然而,雕塑家深知石頭比任何人活得更久、也看得更多。 - 7/3/2022 23:36:16
- NYC has a lot to offer - 6/29/2022 8:14:12
- Jazz basic thoughts
No thoughts, just so beautiful - 4/26/2022 5:08:24
- Jarry Newman, Benny siganorian - 4/19/2022 19:07:55
- deta.dev is so smooth, incredible DX - 4/15/2022 20:20:01
- RayCast is revolutionary good ✨ - 4/2/2022 23:30:41
- Working on capstone just reminds of amazing life opportunities there is - 3/31/2022 22:12:52
- Noodle in salad is so good 😊 inspired by Adam - 3/29/2022 3:08:01
- Texture is beautiful. Can you make an web that shows texture? - 3/27/2022 0:02:05
- Interviewing Roger 🎾
Q18. What's the nicest thing that anyone's ever said to you? Last night, when I was having dinner with my friend, he looked at me and told me what I'm doing on the tennis court at my age is amazing but he thinks that maybe even better days are ahead of me, which to me meant that he really believes in my character.
Q19, What would you tell the person you were twenty years ago? "You're gonna have a lot of time, so don't stress out. Don't get bogged down sweating the small stuff." That sort of thing. - 3/26/2022 23:59:48
- MUI for react - 3/26/2022 3:31:43
- Build a notion learning sheet for middle school students in Taiwan - 3/24/2022 0:49:07
- Technology is the answer, but what is the question? - 3/17/2022 22:09:45
- Jazz bar with friends - 3/16/2022 9:17:00
- I would love to interview David, but what question do I ask? - 3/14/2022 23:25:51
- I want to delicate more time to good things. Learning and creating - 3/14/2022 23:15:34
- A web app that allow people to do screenshots and with forum reaction in the background. - 3/14/2022 3:10:33
- By Xavi: create a website that asks you ethical questions and in the end helps you understand what your ethical position / framework is. then it gives u resources and readings to explore your position more AS WELL AS a contrary position. - 3/11/2022 1:13:48
- If we createt a word that means “simple but not easy”, what would be the precise definition? Many things seems to fall under this term. Sleep, love, be honest.
Do they have some common features?
For example, if I attempt to parse “not easy”, it could mean not simple at certain conditions. But that leads to contradictory - because that suggest these things are “conditionally simple”. And I felt like that’s too general. Everything is conditionally simple. - 3/10/2022 23:42:00
- I want to write about effective altruism - 3/10/2022 23:10:47
- Language. Difference between MC and Taiwan Chinese. Edge cases. - 3/10/2022 23:10:35
- Surround yourself with eclectic people - 3/10/2022 20:45:31
- Heptabase.com is so useful. Woah! - 3/10/2022 2:11:07
- Chrome extension for top five words in the website - 3/10/2022 1:50:07
- Single page learning website for phonetic and German - 3/10/2022 1:42:07
- Nothing starts with an N and ends with a G - 3/10/2022 1:03:14
- Berlin artifacts. Cute css and hover, location and distance. Image processing - 3/10/2022 0:39:16
- In closing, I’m excited about World 2.0, and probably most excited about the new Creative Suite – a whole new way of turning beautiful ideas into colorful realities - 3/9/2022 20:58:26
- Key Feature #2: Fat, Not Lean
Figma took 3 years to get to launch. It’s not that simple to build something like this and it’ll certainly be a labor of love by the founder who is obsessed with the craft as opposed to someone looking for a cheap SaaS hit. - 3/9/2022 20:53:04
- Reading dcgross.com - 3/9/2022 20:53:02
- Will it be too much if I sent the form to survery how my friend think of me? - 3/8/2022 3:35:39
- Nonviolent Communication might be what i was thinking with “gentle questions” - 3/8/2022 3:27:31
- So sunny in Berlin today. Also, I just can’t wear FFP2 mask for this long… my ear hurts!! - 3/7/2022 23:40:07
- I think it’s interesting how all over the place my writings are. Too spread indeed. - 3/7/2022 22:19:12
- People real long for a space to express themselves without any social constraints or the pressure of seeking popularity. -VSCO ceo - 3/3/2022 7:16:22
- On raising the kid and equality - 3/2/2022 18:05:40
- Fake feminism - guys who pretend to get educated on feminism to avoid being spotted that he is not one - 3/2/2022 18:05:19
- Berlin State Library is so good… I’m at one nearby the Potsdamer Platz for the first time, it’s like a huge space for thinking and design. Love it!! - 3/1/2022 2:00:32
- Build a Berlin coffee map - 2/28/2022 23:06:01
- Write about expression. What platform do we use to express ideas - 2/28/2022 23:05:39
- Thinking - how do I organized my day - 2/28/2022 23:05:24
- Debussy, Clair de lune is so beautifully! - 2/28/2022 10:27:13
- 這樣是不對的。雖然英語的語調不會改變個別單字的意思,可是語調包含著很多對聽者來說很重要的訊息。「↝」能告訴聽者: 我講到這裡暫告一段落,先讓你做前一段話的文法和意思處理吧 我還沒講完欸(請先不要插嘴好嗎?) 這兩點都很重要。講話如果沒有喘息的空間,聽者就來不及分析前一段話的文法、處理語意。再者,當聽者屢次接到「講完了」的訊號,對方卻滔滔不絕繼續講,反覆下來,聽者會又疲勞,又對說話者失去信心,繼續和他說話的興致也會減低。 - 2/24/2022 21:50:33
- Defi is so much fun - 2/22/2022 17:50:58
- Have a page for my good time in Berlin - 2/22/2022 2:13:29
- The sun in Valencia is incredible! - 2/21/2022 23:04:49
- I forgot I used zapier for the Netlify build trigger. Now it’s finally all set! - 2/21/2022 20:59:00
- It works!! 🤩🤩😍 - 2/21/2022 20:44:31
- Changed webhook url. Does it work? - 2/21/2022 20:44:16
- Valencia is so beautiful 😍 - 2/20/2022 2:11:23
- Sea, boat in Valencia - 2/20/2022 2:08:12
- Draw orange 🍊 tree - 2/20/2022 2:01:32
- Hey! Trying to understand how the deployment works. - 2/20/2022 0:38:18
- When you show the real thing, you kill it. You actually make it impossible to look at these things in abstract. - 1/21/2022 3:48:46
- I bought an monitor and set up an productive space in Berlin is so nice! - 1/13/2022 17:56:33
- “The only trick of friendship, I think, is to find people who are better than you are—not smarter, not cooler, but kinder, and more generous, and more forgiving—and then to appreciate them for what they can teach you, and to try to listen to them when they tell you something about yourself, no matter how bad—or good—it might be, and to trust them, which is the hardest thing of all. But the best, as well.” ― A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara - 1/13/2022 4:24:15
- Hello Chris - 1/9/2022 20:38:58
- build my physical dice for context switch and recording. - 1/8/2022 1:39:48
- Talked with Boyu (my roommate from prev uni) with his work at Defi space, felt really excited to learn more about it. - 1/8/2022 1:37:41